segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016

DIGEST: SW Construction - Further Reading

Additional Resources for SW Construction:

While building your software (aligned with the gathered requirements - SRS - and the software design that your high-level architecture defines - SAS) several additional topics are relevant. For instance: Coding standards to comply with (if any); comments to create and % of comments and eventual traceability to requirements IDs / component ID there left; static analysis to perform (and extracted KPIs to comply with - if any); continuous integration server and tasks to use; verification measures such as unit tests, code reviews. For more generic information on these topics see here.
For further detailed information please see the following links (some are INTERNAL).

Static Analysis

Code Reviews: 

  1. The QMS context (INTERNAL): Review Procedure here; Crucible Tool GBK hereCheckStyle (Java) tool GBK here.
  2. Code Reviews example - Crucible (Plugin to JIRA; INTERNAL):

Continuous Integration (CI):

  1. About CI, a list of several servers available can be seen here:
  2. Example - Jenkins (INTERNAL): (INTERNAL; Teamcity could also be in use for some projects).

Unit Testing

  1. Think "developer tests" (and see Module 9 for now; again, INTERNAL)

Further reading - Coding Standards: 

Each company might have internally defined coding standards. Or it could be using external standards (e.g. HP, NASA, ESA, etc.). Google for "C Coding Standard" and see what it is meant by coding standards here: For instance this is 1994 NASA-SEL's style guide for C (PDF).

Further reading - BOOKS: 

There are lots of books on SW Engineering that focus on best practices for coding activities, with the objective of writing clearer code, easier to understand and maintain, easier to reuse, etc. 

Two must read examples might include: 
Many more books have full chapters on writing "good" code. 
Again, "Google" and/or "Amazon" for it.
Happy readings!