quarta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2018

AI and Software development

The AI fever is coming to the SW Development world. I mean, not developing SW with AI features, but using AI to improve software development (quality and more)  Outsystems (a low code platform provider is "catching the train"):

" new centre will initially focus on three big projects including developing AI assistants by providing best practice patterns, components, and widgets during application design, AI Assistants will make developers more efficient and become the new paradigm for pair programming.

The project will also focus on designing AI-based Analysers that will decrease application maintenance costs. By analysing the structure of complex apps before they are deployed AI-based Analysers will be able to predict issues and monitor real-time usage patterns to make recommendations on how to improve and refactor applications.

Finally they researchers also aim to develop AI-based systems that automatically generate new feature recommendations for new applications based on large data sets of usage, error reporting, customer feedback, adoption rates, and business metrics."

segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018

Wed applications: web beacons what?

Ok cookies could be problematic enough so that some persons block them. Now, what about web beacons?...
Quoting a MS term of use:
"(...) [We use] web beacons or similar technologies from third-party analytics providers, which help us compile aggregated statistics about the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns or other operations. These technologies enable the analytics providers to set or read their own cookies or other identifiers on your device, through which they can collect information about your online activities across applications, websites or other products. However, we prohibit these analytics providers from using web beacons on our sites to collect or access information that directly identifies you (such as your name or email address). You can opt out of data collection or use by some of these analytics providers by clicking the following links:
• AppsFlyer: www.appsflyer.com/optout (https://www.appsflyer.com/optout)
• Flurry Analytics: https://aim.yahoo.com/aim/us/en/optout/ (https://aim.yahoo.com/aim/us/en/optout/)
• Google Analytics: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout) (requires you to install a browser add-on)
• Kissmetrics: kissmetrics.com/user-privacy (https://kissmetrics.com/user-privacy)
• Mixpanel: mixpanel.com/optout (https://mixpanel.com/optout)
• Nielsen: www.nielsen-online.com/corp.jsp?section=leg_prs&nav=1#Optoutchoices (http://www.nielsen-online.com/corp.jsp?section=leg_prs&nav=1#Optoutchoices)
• Omniture (Adobe): www.d1.sc.omtrdc.net/optout.html (http://www.d1.sc.omtrdc.net/optout.html)
• Visible Measures: www.visiblemeasures.com/viewer-settings-opt-out (http://www.visiblemeasures.com/viewer-settings-opt-out)
• WebTrends: ondemand.webtrends.com/support/optout.asp (https://ondemand.webtrends.com/support/optout.asp) "

Quoting wikpedia (link above): 
"A web beacon or web bug is one of the various techniques used on web pages or email, to unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allow checking that a user has accessed some content. Common uses are email tracking and page tagging for web analytics. Alternative names are tracking bug, tag, or page tag, tracking pixel, pixel tag, 1×1 gif, and clear gif. When implemented using JavaScript, they may be called JavaScript tags."

domingo, 18 de fevereiro de 2018

SW Development: Apple Revamps SW Development Lifecycle...

... after the problems with iOS11:

"Former Microsoft developer and head of Windows 7 and Windows 8 development, Steven Sinofsky, has published his own thoughts on the topic, and we recommend giving his article a read. One of the points Sinofsky makes is that Apple has, over the last decade, created an ecosystem that saw it go from a small phone vendor to a major player. It took an OS originally developed to run on the NeXT workstation, ported that OS to PowerPC, then to the x86 architecture, and finally to ARM. It ramped up its own CPU development team and now leads the mobile market in ARM single-threaded performance. It has done all this while simultaneously iterating on iOS, year after year.

As Sinofsky points out, we tend to talk about development as if its three goals — the so-called “iron triangle” of quality of release, pace of change, and the adding of new features — exist in a zero-sum game. It is, to be sure, much more difficult to develop solutions that balance all three of these requirements than to focus unilaterally on just one of them. But this is a balancing act that Apple has been performing fairly well for a decade, across an ecosystem Sinofsky considers without peer, save possibly for that of IBM and its System/360. The idea that companies choose one, and only one of these criteria to focus on is something he dismisses (...)"

quinta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2018

BOOK: The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Principles and Practices for Successful Systems and Software: Barry Boehm, Jo Ann Lane, Supannika Koolmanojwong, Richard Turner (ICSM)

About the spiral approach (ICSM), for incrementally developing Systems (or SW), an agile methodology precursor:

The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Principles and Practices for Successful Systems and Software: Barry Boehm, Jo Ann Lane, Supannika Koolmanojwong, Richard Turner: 9780321808226: Amazon.com: Books

"“The title makes a huge promise: a way to divide commitment into increments that are both meetable (good news for developers) and meaningful (good news for managers and stakeholders). And the book makes good on that promise.”
–Tom DeMarco, Principal, The Atlantic Systems Guild, author of Peopleware, Deadline, and Slack

 “I am seriously impressed with this ICSM book. Besides being conceptually sound, I was amazed by the sheer number of clear and concise characterizations of issues, relationships, and solutions. I wanted to take a yellow highlighter to it until I realized I’d be highlighting most of the book.”

–Curt Hibbs, Chief Agile Evangelist, Boeing

Use the ICSM to Generate and Evolve Your Life-Cycle Process Assets to Best Fit Your Organization’s Diverse and Changing Needs

Many systems development practitioners find traditional “one-size-fits-all” processes inadequate for the growing complexity, diversity, dynamism, and assurance needs of their products and services. The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model (ICSM) responds with a principle- and risk-based framework for defining and evolving your project and corporate process assets, avoiding pitfalls and disruption, and leveraging opportunities to increase value.

This book explains ICSM’s framework of decision criteria and principles, and shows how to apply them through relevant examples. It demonstrates ICSM’s potential for reducing rework and technical debt, improving maintainability, handling emergent requirements, and raising assurance levels.

Its coverage includes:

  • What makes a system development successful
  • ICSM’s goals, principles, and usage as a process-generation framework
  • Creating and evolving processes to match your risks and opportunities
  • Integrating your current practices and adopting ICSM concepts incrementally, focusing on your greatest needs and opportunities


BOOK: Even more books on SW Engineering could perfectly be... (FFR)

FFR, 4 additional suggestions from Google Books on the SW Engineering topic are: