terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

INTERNAL RESOURCE: Toolsets and corporate info repositories

As you might notice the subtitles are somewhat disputable. JIRA was once just an issue tracker, now it's much more than this. So how would you categorize it? It's what it is. ;)

Installable Tools 

- Install GTM locally (to attend GTM meetings): http://support.citrixonline.com/en_US/Meeting/help_files/G2M010002
- Install GTM Outlook Plugin (that adds some actions in the New Appointment window) - to speed up the schedule of meetings: https://builds.citrixonlinecdn.com/builds/calendarintegration/outlook/G2M/setup.exe

- EA: Download and install instructions (shared key):
https://delivery.critical.pt/TechAreas/net/Shared%20Documents/Get%20shared%20Key%20in%20EA.PDF (Get Shared Key - Floating License).

Training and other "Knowledge Items" and Information Repositories

- Internal Training Materials (Recent):

- CMS - Technical Portal:
https://delivery.critical.pt/TechAreas/SitePages/Landing%20Page.aspx (Java, .Net, DB, UXD, Safety-Critical, etc.)

PS. Old portal in oldportal.critical.pt (https://oldportal.critical.pt/Paginas/Default.aspx)

- QMS Portal:

- QMS offline / RSS notifications HOWTO:

- QMS Org. Stds.:

Advanced Lifecycle Management (ALM) Tools

There are complete suites for advanced life-cycle management (ALM) of the software development (there is a list here) and some advanced editions of your favorite IDE could offer most of the ALM tools needed for demanding collaborative software development projects (in a single environment).
Also make sure to look here for the Gartner Magic Quadrant for the ALM Tools.

JIRA, JIRA plugins and Maybe More

If you do have the money, you could use a set of tools to support your software development. Some of them are free (as all good things in life). Some other aren't.

Examples include:

- Continuous Integration, examples:

- Corporate site, Quality Certifications rationale:
- E-mail configs and list management tool (post 2016-05), CSW PT credentials: 
- VCS clients (INTERNAL):
  • CVS Windows client installer, get it here (or get TortoiseCVS): \\files.critical.pt\repository\Base-Software\CVS (see CSW-SYSDEPAR-2006-MMO-2514 for Windows, see CSW-SYSDEPAR-2006-MMO-2513 for Linux)
  • SVN Windows client installer (TortoiseSVN): \\files.critical.pt\repository\Base-Software\SVN
  • Git: Read this topic "Come on be a Git" for installers.
  • Web clients (for quick access of single files on computers without the local VCS clients installed; VPN required): https://svn.critical.pt/svn/ and https://cvs.critical.pt/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/

(2016-05-11: added ALM reference as well as ALM links; 2016-06-07: added list mg. tool; 2016-06-09: Office 365; 2016-09-26: minor rephrases, VCS info; 2017-05-04: rephrases, detail in topics, formatting issues, pulsar, git)