quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2019

Logging: Flogger


"new open-source Java logging framework called Flogger. Acknowledging that "[t]he field of open-source Java logging APIs is already extremely crowded", Google asserts that Flogger offers "many benefits over existing logging APIs". These improvements include reducing the cost of disabled log statements, increasing overall readability, and allowing extensibility.

Flogger, a portmanteau of fluent and logger, argues that one of its main benefits is "[l]ogging at disabled levels is effectively free." Whereas other logging frameworks may generate bytecode for disabled logging statements, Flogger aims to completely avoid it.

More specifically, logging frameworks typically utilize varargs to accommodate the unknown number of parameters in a logging method call rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different and unpredictable method signatures. This use of varargs results in additional bytecode, particularly to allocate an Object[] for storing the varargs. While additional bytecode doesn’t typically warrant concern, it becomes particularly important in applications with very fine-grained logging statements or logging statements that occur in loops."