sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Welcome home!

Of course this is not your home. It is mine! So keep off the fence. Except if you want to learn a little bit more on software development.

Some of us reading this have already been through software development projects. Projects are projects: Each one of it is special (if it weren't they would be called "product deployment", "services", or something alike). Bespoke development (i.e. custom-made) has to address a number of... "challenges" of almost any kind. So in reality you are out in the wild. And if you don't take the proper measures you«ll probably get bitten, In time (and with experience) you'll learn what does this means, and most of the times the harder way (more on this also later on).

So why not learn a little bit more on process(es) so that you go along the road a little bit more aware and informed?

If you've reached this final line, you're good: You probably are willing to learn a little bit more. Keep on reading. Here or elsewhere,