segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2016

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)

Interesting initiative for life-cycle support tools interoperability: Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

For interoperability one should understand performing from one tool to another operations like Querying, Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting (resources) and so on.

Quoting: "Exposing more data: Software should be able to share and use linked data. With OSLC specifications, your tools can freely understand each others’ data and artifacts. That means you can better analyze, track, and explore that data to make better decisions."

And furthermore quoting the OSLC Primer: "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an open community creating specifications for integrating tools. These specifications allow conforming independent software and product lifecycle tools to integrate their data and workflows in support of end-to-end lifecycle processes.
OSLC is based on the W3C Linked Data. One of the primary techniques for integrating tools using OSLC is Linking data via HTTP, which specifies creating, retrieving, updating and deleting (CRUD) lifecycle artifacts based on internet standards like HTTP and RDF using Linked Data model. Each artifact in the lifecycle, such as a requirement, is an HTTP resource that is manipulated using the standard methods of the HTTP specification (like GET, POST)."

Several specs are being defined, for example "Requirements Management" ones:

Some compatible tools, i.e. tools that support at least some of the specs (and those include JIRA, EA and much more) are listed here: