quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017

BOOKS: Top mentioned books on stackoverflow.com

Interesting list to find your possible next read (amongst the ones that are on your technical area and that you have never heard of). Also interesting is the description of the "simple" process that was used to create this valuable list (turning Stackoverflow usage data into a highly valuable list of most likely interesting books on development issues is one interesting example of turning information into valuable knowledge):

Top mentioned books on stackoverflow.com
"We analysed more than 40 000 000 questions and answers on stackoverflow.com to bring you the top of most mentioned books (5720 in total). How we did it: We got database dump of all user-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network (can be downloaded here); Extracted questions and answers made on stackoverflow; Found all amazon.com links and counted it; Created tag-based search for your convenience; Brought it to you"

Do you know them all? I have at least 4 of them at less than 1 meter of me. And you, how do you rank on this?

PS. Kudos to J. Machado for pointing this out.