The 10 tools every modern developer should use | InfoWorld
The list (details are on the link, please do follow):
- Git and GitHub (version control system);
- SSH (to create an SSH key or do other SSH stuff);
- Terminal Services or remote login (to access remote Windows machines)
- Amazon Web Services (AWS isn’t just cloud; know at least the EC2 stuff);
- JavaScript (the scripting language of the now; widely used for scripting APIs);
- Bash and PowerShell (in Linux, many Unixes, MacOS, and Windows 10 / Microsoft’s PowerShell; also make sure to learn to use Grep / PowerShell’s Select-String);
- MongoDB (document database; Apache Solr - document-shaped);
- Curl and Invoke-RestMethod (for REST APIs; On Mac and Linux, Curl is the command-line tool that lets you test and tweak and even script against a REST API; in PowerShell, it is Invoke-RestMethod; equivalent GUI tools like Postman);
- Markdown (format of the file in GitHub; just seven symbols: # is a header, ## is a subheader, * is a bullet, __ and ** are bold, _ and * are italics, ` is monospace, and --- is a break or rule; learn to convert to slides, PDFs, and HTML with or without CSS);
- Basic HTML
Source: Link above.