segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2019

SW Development: Error budgets?

Just sharing this article with thoughts about conflicts with Devs, Ops /DevOps and about error budgets:

DevOps = Dev + ErrorBudget + Ops - Expedia Group Technology - Medium

"It wasn't until I learned about Error Budgets that I
realized exactly how dev and ops could merge into an effective
"devops", and I've written about that in my latest article "
"There’s a lovely description in chapter 3, Embracing Risk of Google’s Site Reliability Engineering book which I will quote here:
For example, if product development wants to skimp on testing or increase push velocity and SRE is resistant, the error budget guides the decision. When the budget is large, the product developers can take more risks. When the budget is nearly drained, the product developers themselves will push for more testing or slower push velocity, as they don’t want to risk using up the budget and stall their launch. In effect, the product development team becomes self-policing. They know the budget and can manage their own risk. (Of course, this outcome relies on an SRE team having the authority to actually stop launches if the SLO is broken.)"