terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016

DIGEST: And the fresh LAST links are...

And the last fresh links are indeed these ones:

The productivity Dept. (send me your suggestions, please): 

Additional info on SW Requirements / Requirements Analysis:
  1. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/05/process-software-requirements-team.html
  2. See your QMS "requirements standard" (INTERNAL; includes best practices and conventions). 
  3. Read books on the subject and related subjects: Requirements analysis, requirements engineering, business process analysis (a broader topic), writing god requirements. "Google" and/or "Amazon" them.
  4. Writing good requirements paper here (PDF)
  5. Requirement types: http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/11/requirements-requirements-types.html

About SW Design / Architecture (and security as well as performance, quality attributes of architectures):
Security topic and the embedded link to the Check List repository:
  1. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/05/sw-design-security-as-design-quality.html
  2. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/07/resource-security-is-process.html
  3. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/08/security-magic-quadrants-for-mss-remote.html
  4. Slightly off-topic but equally interesting: http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/11/security-industrial-control-systems.html
Additional info on Design Patterns, Code Smells, Refactoring (already shown but repeated here for reinforcement or whatever you would like me to call it): 
  1. Design patterns: "The index" in Wikipedia is here
  2. Several books, also called "bibles": The GOF book as well as Code Complete 2
  3. Another interesting resource is sourcemaking.com (Design Patterns, Anti-Patterns and Refactoring / Code Smells).
Performance (but not only) topic:  

Additional resources for SW construction:
  1. Static Analysis: 
  2. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/05/tools-source-monitor-static-analysis.html
  3. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/05/tools-static-analysis-tools-listing.html
  4. http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/10/sw-construction-static-analysis-tools.html

Additional resources for SW Testing:

The Agile Dept.: 
Agile additional info including the Agile state of scrum report, info on Product vision statements rationale and examples, and additional tools as well as books. You will not die without a pile of stuff to read if you follow these final links:

  1. Digest 1: http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/09/starting-learning-agile.html
  2. Digest 2: http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/07/index-agilescrum-index-of-useful-links.html
  3. Digest 3 (ufff): http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/10/digest-agilescrum-links.html
  4. BOOK http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/08/mr-scrum-wrote-yet-another-book-scrum.html
  5. The Product Vision "art": http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2016/06/about-product-vision.html

And so on. So they say. Happy reading!

(@2017-06-06: fixed req.std.url)