quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2016

Stop and smell the... Code

Code Smells? Sometimes the code smells. So should we stop and smell the roses, or shall it be the code?

Quoting Martin Fowler:
"One of the nice things about smells is that it's easy for inexperienced people to spot them, even if they don't know enough to evaluate if there's a real problem or to correct them. I've heard of lead developers who will pick a "smell of the week" and ask people to look for the smell and bring it up with the senior members of the team. Doing it one smell at a time is a good way of gradually teaching people on the team to be better programmers." (Source: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CodeSmell.html)

More info:

A good reference resource (and a company providing consulting services) here: https://sourcemaking.com/refactoring/smells