domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017

SW Design: Enterprise Application Patterns for Xamarin.Forms


"Architectural guidance for developing adaptable, maintainable, and testable Xamarin.Forms enterprise applications

This eBook provides guidance on how to implement the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern, dependency injection, navigation, validation, and configuration management, while maintaining loose coupling. In addition, there's also guidance on performing authentication and authorization with IdentityServer, accessing data from containerized microservices, and unit testing."

SW Design: .NET application architectures

sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017

Rating software?

Yes. Your software could have to be rated like films in certain countries. How? Using institutions like International Age Rating Coallition (IARC): "A ground-breaking global rating and age classification system for digitally delivered games and apps that reflects the unique cultural differences among nations and regions."

For developers (Source:
"How developers can get their games and apps rated with IARC?

IARC allows developers to obtain ratings for multiple territories and storefronts at once via a single streamlined system. The system is available to any developer that is distributing their game or app through a participating digital storefront.
How much does it cost to use IARC?
Obtaining ratings via IARC is free of cost to developers.

How long does the IARC rating process take?
The IARC rating process is designed to be as quick and easy as possible. Once a developer completes the questionnaire, the ratings are issued immediately. The questionnaire is programmed with unique algorithms that assign ratings for each of the participating rating authorities which reflect their own distinct local standards about the age appropriateness of various content featured in the app. The length of time it takes to complete the questionnaire depends on how much ratings-pertinent content is in the game or app. For a game or app that contains very little pertinent content the questionnaire can be finished in a few minutes. If a game or app has more content - like violence, profanity, sexual content, nudity, gambling or other pertinent material - the questionnaire may take a few more minutes to complete.
Why can I only use IARC for products that are distributed by digital means?
In order to handle the high volume of digital games and apps, IARC utilizes an automated process which assigns ratings instantly without rating authorities' review of the product prior to its release. As a result, certain rating assignments may require post-release modification, which is far easier to accomplish in a digital environment than it would be with physical product sold in packages. Adjusting rating assignments after a boxed product has hit store shelves is a complicated and expensive proposition, which is why an automated rating process like IARC is only being deployed for digitally delivered product.
What do I do if the rating my product has been assigned seems incorrect?
Developers can request a rating check for any of the ratings their game or app has been assigned by the IARC system. Developers will have to include a brief explanation of why the rating should be different and may be asked to provide supporting evidence – such as video clips or a build of the game or app – so that the rating check request can be evaluated by the rating authority(s) in question.
Who makes up IARC and how are the rating criteria decided?
IARC is composed of representatives from numerous ratings authorities around the world, each of which plays a role in developing the questionnaire and programming the logic in the rating tool that developers complete when obtaining a rating. That logic is based on the distinct content standards used by each rating authority, and the system generates a unique rating for each territory based on those localized standards.
How can I get my game or app rated using IARC?
Developers can only access the IARC system when submitting their game or app to any of the system's participating storefronts.

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

TOOL: Free Pascal (compliler) and Lazarus (IDE)

Free Pascal is still being used actively to teach programming skills to youngsters, I have recently learned. It is free as the name implies and includes a text-based IDE (for those who remember what that was:  Borland Turbo Pascal).

For download and documentation see:
Turbo Pascal is nowadays freely downloadable in the Embarcadero site (which bought Borland) and still releases Delphi (an evolution of the Turbo Pascal IDE and the Object Pascal language for Graphical User Interfaces:
  • "Freeware release: Borland released several versions of Turbo Pascal as freeware after they became "antique software" (abandonware) in 2002. The newest released international version was TP 5.5, while the newer French TP 7.01 was also released as freeware.The downloads are still available on the successor website of Embarcadero Technologies." (Source: Wikipedia)

segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017

SW Design: Recursos sobre e para usabilidade (de sítios Web)

Usability resources (in PT), for PT public sector web sites, FFR:

"Recursos e ferramentas para melhorar a experiência de utilização de sítios públicos.

Boas práticas, código, design e templates abertos para descarregar e implementar."

Usability Check list (PT, quoted from above, interesting even though some items -e.g. see the Design section- are not completely specific):

    A página tem um tempo de carregamento adequado.
    O contraste entre o fundo e a fonte do texto é adequado.
    O tamanho e estilo da tipografia são nítidos e fáceis de ler.
    O sítio está preparado para gerar páginas de erro perceptíveis. (i.e. 404 - Página não encontrada, etc.)
    Os conteúdos estão otimizados para dispositivos móveis.
    Existem ajudas visuais que identifiquem a localização na estrutura do sitio. (i.e. Breadcrumbs, etc.)
    Os serviços disponíveis do sitio estão devidamente assinaladas e identificadas.
    Os links são consistentes e fáceis de serem identificados.
    Os links são claros e identificam o destino.
    As páginas do sitio estão identificadas e nomeadas. (i.e. nome da página que surge no navegador)
    O sitio está preparado para compatibilidade com todos os navegadores. (i.e.Cross browser)
    O url da página é claro e facilmente memorizável.
    É possível aceder diretamente à página principal em qualquer zona do sitio. (i.e. homepage link)
    O botão Voltar está sempre presente nas páginas.
    Os elementos clicáveis estão claramente identificados como passíveis de ser acionados.
    O design é intuitivo e apelativo.
    O design está preparado para todos os dispositivos de navegação. (i.e. web design responsivo)
    As mensagens de erro são claras e percetíveis.
    Os formulários funcionam corretamente (São apresentadas mensagens de submissão com sucesso ou de erro).
    Os campos obrigatórios estão devidamente assinalados.
    A organização das páginas do sitio é consistente através de toda a estrutura. (i.e. estilo de navegação e arrumação do conteúdo).
    Os ícones representam claramente as suas ações e têm a propriedade ALT definida.
    A informação relevante encontra-se destacada.
    O espaçamento entre linhas é adequado.
    Os textos estão redigidos de acordo com a perspectiva do cidadão destinatário do serviço.
    Os títulos são claros e coerentes com o conteúdo.
    Não existem anúncios ou pop-ups intrusivos.
    Existe informação sobre as várias fases do processo.
    A ajuda é clara e está perfeitamente visivel.
    A informação é simples e objetiva.

sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2017

Java evolution

Some changes highlighted in the Java One conference:

- Java 9 is (in principle) backwards compatible with Java8
- Java 10 will be Java 18.3 (WTF!), out in March 2018 (and from then on new features shall be released on a 6 month cadence as they are ready)
- JEE will be moved to the Apache Foundation (with more companies other than Oracle supporting it) and called EE4J
New features include:
- Modular Java (Project jigsaw)
- Java shell (jshell)
- Serverless Java (FaaS)

SW Construction: Languages to know in 2018...

... based on job offers of a specific site in 2017:
And the list includes:
1. Java
2. Python
3. JavaScript
4. C++
5. C#
6. PHP
7. Perl
Other: Swift (iOS), R (big data analysis), Rust
Other technologies: SQL, .NET framework, Node.js (running JavaScript on the server side), MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js)

"One of the world’s largest coding bootcamps, Coding Dojo, has released an objective analysis of the most in-demand programing languages of 2018.
Coding Dojo came to its findings by analyzing the hundreds of thousands of job postings that contained the name of a programming language on job search engine It found that Java is the most in-demand followed by Python and JavaScript.
“Software development is a dynamic field,” (...)"

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2017

Product Design: Planned obsolescence (as a feature?)

There are good features and there are bad ones. If true, Apple is using planned obsolescence features in its iPhones since 2008:

Apple explains the "feature":

""I believe, as do others, that Apple introduced a change to limit performance when battery condition decreases past a certain point.

"If the performance drop is due to the 'sudden shutdown' fix, users will experience reduced performance without notification.

"Users expect either full performance, or reduced performance with a notification that their phone is in low-power mode.

"This fix creates a third, unexpected state."

Without this warning Poole believes that the fix will cause users to believe their phone is slow so they should replace it, rather than the battery which is actually at fault.

"This will likely feed into the 'planned obsolescence' narrative," he added.

Every time Apple launches a new handset people seemingly flock to Google to ask why their current iPhone or iOS is slow.

This trend has been seen every year since Apple released the iPhone 3G in 2008.

Explanations for the slowness range from Apple's iOS causing problems on older devices to the firm deliberately slowing down old phones to make people buy the new handsets.

This latter explanation is known as planned, or built-in, obsolescence.

This is the idea that manufacturer's deliberately make their products in such a way that they become out-of-date sooner.

By doing this, the companies can encourage customers to buy the latest model of a certain product."

Updated: 2017-12-08, Apple "explains".

TOOLS: Mocking Frameworks (and testing tools) for Java programmers (LIST)

The 8 Useful Java Testing tools (& Frameworks) for Programmers, Developers and Coders

Listed above, 2 mocking frameworks for Java:


Mockito is designed as a open source testing framework for Java which is available under a MIT License. Mockito allows programmers to create and test double objects (mock objects) in automated unit tests for the purpose of Test-driven Development (TDD) or Behavior Driven Development (BDD).


PowerMock is a Java Framework for unit testing of source code and It runs as an extension of other Mocking frameworks like Mockito or EasyMock but comes with more powerful capabilities. PowerMock utilizes a custom classloader and bytecode manipulator to enable mocking of static methods, removal of static initializes, constructors, final classes and methods and private methods. It as been primarily designed to extend the existing API’s with a small number of methods and annotations to enable the extra features.
It is available under an open source Apache License 2.0 and is available in Powermock Google Code site."

segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2017

BOOK: C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices (Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu) C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices (9780321113580): Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu: Books

"Consistent, high-quality coding standards improve software quality, reduce time-to-market, promote teamwork, eliminate time wasted on inconsequential matters, and simplify maintenance. Now, two of the world's most respected C++ experts distill the rich collective experience of the global C++ community into a set of coding standards that every developer and development team can understand and use as a basis for their own coding standards.

The authors cover virtually every facet of C++ programming: design and coding style, functions, operators, class design, inheritance, construction/destruction, copying, assignment, namespaces, modules, templates, genericity, exceptions, STL containers and algorithms, and more. Each standard is described concisely, with practical examples. From type definition to error handling, this book presents C++ best practices, including some that have only recently been identified and standardized-techniques you may not know even if you've used C++ for years. Along the way, you'll find answers to questions like

  • What's worth standardizing--and what isn't?
  • What are the best ways to code for scalability?
  • What are the elements of a rational error handling policy?
  • How (and why) do you avoid unnecessary initialization, cyclic, and definitional dependencies?
  • When (and how) should you use static and dynamic polymorphism together?
  • How do you practice "safe" overriding?
  • When should you provide a no-fail swap?
  • Why and how should you prevent exceptions from propagating across module boundaries?
  • Why shouldn't you write namespace declarations or directives in a header file?
  • Why should you use STL vector and string instead of arrays?
  • How do you choose the right STL search or sort algorithm?
  • What rules should you follow to ensure type-safe code?
  • Whether you're working alone or with others, C++ Coding Standards will help you write cleaner code--and write it faster, with fewer hassles and less frustration."

sexta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2017

Scope Management: How to scope bespoke SW Dev Projects

Interesting article on Scope Management throughout the SW Development lifecycle (waterfall):

There are tips / items for several project phases above. For example:
"One of the most important things to do during this time is to define very specific goals for the project. For example, instead of “improve X to be more scalable and performant”, a better and more specific goal might be to “improve X by adding unit tests, supporting 20K queries per second, and reducing capped mean of user latency to <= 200ms”. Having very specific goals allows you to ruthlessly cut anything that does not contribute to these goals, so you don’t suffer from feature creep. Along these lines, you might also consider explicitly defining anti-goals, and separating must-haves and nice-to-haves.

Minimize the batch size of the project by (1) setting up clear milestones and checkpoints for the project and (2) making it easy to launch only part of the project. Not only does this help break down the project, it will also allow the team to pause or cut the project early, should another higher priority task come up.

De-risk the project as soon as possible. Two common ways of de-risking a project include (1) working on the riskiest parts upfront and (2) prototype the riskiest parts using dummy data and/or scaffolding. Whenever a new open-source system or external service is used, that usually represents a big risk.

Don’t optimize for total amount of work done, instead, optimize for total amount of impact over time. Once you’ve gotten the riskiest part out of the way, prioritize working on the part of the project that would result in the highest amount of impact immediately."

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

Roles: CTOs are not developers

"Developers are not CTOs. I remember an argument I heard from a single developer CTO. He’d say stuff like, “Well I made the product, and I was here when it started so I’m the best fit for CTO.” That was me, a decade ago. Wow, was I ignorant.

What if we extend that logic to other parts of life? “Well, I was standing next to him when he had a heart attack, and I make medical equipment, so I’m the best one to do the triple bypass.” Laughable. If I rest on past achievements I’ll never grow."

terça-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2017

BOOK: Art of Unit Testing, Second Edition (Roy Osherove)

To see the TOC:

2 free chapters:!/book/the-art-of-unit-testing-second-edition/chapter-4!/book/the-art-of-unit-testing-second-edition/chapter-1/45

"About the book
You know you should be unit testing, so why aren't you doing it? If you're new to unit testing, if you find unit testing tedious, or if you're just not getting enough payoff for the effort you put into it, keep reading.

The Art of Unit Testing, Second Edition guides you step by step from writing your first simple unit tests to building complete test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy. You'll move quickly to more complicated subjects like mocks and stubs, while learning to use isolation (mocking) frameworks like Moq, FakeItEasy, and Typemock Isolator. You'll explore test patterns and organization, refactor code applications, and learn how to test "untestable" code. Along the way, you'll learn about integration testing and techniques for testing with databases.
The Art of Unit Testing, Second Edition guides you step by step from writing your first simple tests to developing robust test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy. You'll master the foundational ideas and quickly move to high-value subjects like mocks, stubs, and isolation, including frameworks such as Moq, FakeItEasy and Typemock Isolator. You'll explore test patterns and organization, working with legacy code, and even "untestable" code. Along the way, you'll learn about integration testing and techniques and tools for testing databases and other technologies."

ISBN: 978-1-933988-27-6

TOOLS: Java Code Coverage Tools

The "fun-tastic" list of tools from our favourite non-trustworthy list of resources (but yet still useful as a starting point for further investigation):

segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2017

CONFERENCE: GDG DevFest Season 2017 (PT)

GDG DevFest Season 2017 - Coimbra (PT), 2017-12-09

"The biggest Google tech conference in Portugal: All about Android, Web, Cloud and Security from the world experts"

Additional info:
Day 1 agenda:
About the Google Developers Group (Coimbra city):

TOOLS: Continuous Code Quality | SonarQube

Continuous Code Quality | SonarQube

"Continuous Inspection. SonarQube provides the capability to not only show health of an application but also to highlight issues newly introduced. With a Quality Gate in place, you can fix the leak and therefore improve code quality systematically"

TOOLS: Parasoft C/C++test (Static Analysis)

Quoting [1999]:

"CodeWizard for C++ v. 3.0, the newest version of their automatic coding standards enforcement tool. CodeWizard offers serious developers and managers a solution for preventing errors during all stages of the development cycle. Development managers committed to delivering bug-free software have found CodeWizard a valuable tool because it helps keep down the number of errors that enter a project and saves time. CodeWizard acts as an automatic code reviewer that enforces a set of coding standards. Developers who follow coding standards can reduce the number of errors in their projects, as well as make their code easier to reuse, modify and maintain. The newest version of CodeWizard will be extremely useful to development managers because it now features RuleWizard, which allows users to quickly create custom coding standards. "Thankfully it is the code reviewer without the attitude," says Suzette LaGray, Senior Software Engineer at Siemens ElectroCom LLP. "It knows all the rules." Using patented Source Code Analysis technology (patent # 5,860,011), CodeWizard looks for coding standard violations. It automatically enforces over 70 coding standards that come from industry experts such as Scott Meyers and Stanley Lippman. With the addition of RuleWizard, development groups will be more successful at enforcing in-house coding standards. RuleWizard allows users to compose and modify coding standards (or "rules") by graphically expressing the pattern that they want CodeWizard to look for when it parses code. Rules are created by selecting a main "node", then adding additional elements to a flow-chart-like representation until it fully expresses the pattern that constitutes a violation of the rule. Rules can be specified by option, command line, or named rules"

Parasoft C/C++test - Wikipedia


"Parasoft C/C++test is an integrated set of tools for testing C and C++ source code that software developers use to analyze, test, find defects, and measure the quality and security of their applications. It supports software development practices that are part of development testing, including static code analysis , dynamic code analysis, unit test case generation and execution, code coverage analysis, regression testing, runtime error detection, requirements traceability, and code review. It's a commercial tool that supports operation on Linux, Windows, and Solaris platforms as well as support for on-target embedded testing and cross compilers."

Learning: movimento código portugal (PT, 2nd Edition)

Codemove is a PT movement to teach kids programming. A good step into the future (in PT):

More on google:
movimento codigo portugal - Pesquisa Google

domingo, 3 de dezembro de 2017

Learning: Advent of code?

"Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme."

sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017

Security: Apple is revising its SW Development Process

We should ALWAYS take into account security issues in SW Development, even if there are no explicit requirements on that. Do you agree?
What do you think the developers of these features (and the rest of the team, of course) heard after Apple felt obliged to do this public (shaming) announcement?

"The vulnerability allows users of macOS 10.13 to gain admin rights, or log in as root, simply by clicking a login box several times. Apple issued a fix within 24 hours, and both the US and German governments issued alerts advising Mac users to patch up.
But besides patching up, Apple is now looking to review how it does code.

“We greatly regret this error and we apologize to all Mac users,” Apple said in a statement. “Our customers deserve better. We are auditing our development processes to help prevent this from happening again.”
“Security is a top priority for every Apple product, and regrettably we stumbled with this release of Mac OS,” Apple said in its statement.
To exploit the vulnerability, users simply needed to bring up the authentication dialog box, which is often done if needing to configure privacy or network settings. Once the dialog box appears, type in 'root' as a username. Leave the password blank, press Enter, then click 'unlock' a couple of times and voila – access granted.
Fortunately, the workaround to the flaw appears simple – all users need to do is configure a root password and the flaw will no longer work."

sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2017

SW Testing: Congestion?

Some good highlights of the dependencies SW Testing teams can have on other teams:

"When it comes to software testing, each individual team in the software development and delivery process shares the responsibility of making sure the final outcome is exactly what is required and that it is delivered on time. (..) In a recent survey by PractiTest and Tea-Time with Testers, 47 per cent of test teams said coping with timeframes for development could often be difficult. (...)

What’s affecting software testing productivity?

The first step to fixing testing bottlenecks is identifying exactly what is slowing down enterprise software testing productivity. The biggest areas that impact this are often weak test prioritisation, poor dependency management and bad communication.

Weak Test Prioritisation
How is testing prioritised? How is test prioritisation being updated based on feedback from development and testing?

It is human nature to go after the low-hanging fruit, to get a few quick wins to show progress, and testing is no different. Unfortunately, this just pushes off the hard tests to later when there is less time to address any issues that arise.

In any situation, it is beneficial to prioritise testing the highest value and most risky pieces first. Also, not relying on initial estimates of what the highest value and most risky things are is important. Feedback from development can help teams focus on the right things first, while feedback from testing can help guide the process as it moves forward. Remember, defects tend to cluster, so as defects start popping up, re-evaluate where the focus needs to be.

Poor Dependency Management
Part of what can make software testing unpredictable is the reliance on so many dependencies lining up at the same time. Of course, this often doesn’t happen and when dependencies are mismanaged it can result in unnecessary downtime and a significant slowdown of the whole process.

Some of the things that software tests can be dependent on include:

·         Requirements

·         Other tests

·         Test data

·         Test environments

·         Development completion

·         Quality of code

Productivity depends on knowing a team’s specific dependencies, understanding how those dependencies are progressing, and managing those dependencies.

Mapping out and managing dependencies is fairly straightforward to talk about, but in an enterprise where multiple teams are working on multiple projects, it’s often not that easy. "

quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2017

TOOLS: Mocking Frameworks for .Net Developers (LIST)

Top 5 Mocking Frameworks for .Net Developers

"What is a Mocking Framework?
Mocking framework is used to create replacement objects like Fakes, Stubs and Mocks. It is used to isolate each dependency and help developers in performing unit testing in a concise, quick and reliable way.
Creating mock objects manually is difficult and time-consuming so to increase your productivity you can go for automatic generating of mock objects by using a mocking framework. A developer can build his/her unit test by using any of one NUnit, MbUnit, MSTest, xUnit etc. unit test framework and can further test it on a mocking framework."

The list:


terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017

TOOL: IBM Rational Logiscope (Static Analysis, Dynamic Testing)


IBM Rational Logiscope is (amongst other things) a static analysis tool for C, C++, Java, and Ada.


"IBM Rational Logiscope tackles software quality head-on, providing a comprehensive suite of highly customizable static and dynamic testing tools to ensure that:

  1. Latent bugs and faulty constructs are detected and eliminated
  2. Software complies with required coding standards, whether they are personal standards, internal standards, or industry standards such as MISRA.
  3. Complex and error-prone areas of code are identified at the earliest stage and corrective actions are taken.
  4. Code review is automated and effort is focused on problematic area helping you adopt verification processes that are described by international standards such as SEI/CMMi, ISO/IEC 9216 and 9001, DO-178B, IEC 61508, EN 50128.
  5. Unnecessary duplicated code blocks are identified and removed, therefore optimizing your testing effort and maintenance effort over time.
  6. Testing is both comprehensive and efficient by identifying untested pieces of code. "


"The proven verification capabilities of IBM Rational Logiscope help you optimize expensive development resources to reliably deliver on-time, on-budget, and to specification.

IBM Rational Logiscope currently supports four programming languages: C, C++, Java, and Ada. It is available on Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms and includes four different products:
  • IBM Rational Logiscope RuleChecker, for code rule checking
  • IBM Rational Logiscope QualityChecker, for code quality metrics
  • IBM Rational Logiscope Code Reducer, for finding code similarities
  • IBM Rational Logiscope TestChecker, for dynamic test coverage analysis
IBM Rational Logiscope RuleChecker V6.6 introduces support for MISRA C++ code rules checking, allowing organization to comply with this industry-standard set of rules. IBM Rational Logiscope RuleChecker now allows verifying MISRA code rules on code generated by IBM Rational Rhapsody."

sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017

BOOK: Mastering ASP.Net Core (R. Peres)

A new book on ASP.Net by our well known R. Peres is out:

"Spanning multiple .NET Core versions – 1.1 and 2.0. The chapters are:

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, platforms, DI & IoC, MVC pattern, OWIN, hosting, environments

Configuration: providers

Routing: templates, handlers, constraints, areas, error handling

Controllers and Actions: controller lifecycle, API controllers, versioning, documentation, globalization, binding

Views: areas, layouts, Razor pages, globalization

Using Forms and Models: metadata, templates, binding, validation

Security: authentication, authorization, anti-forgery, CORS, HTTPS

Reusable Components: partial views, view components, tag helpers and tag helper components

Filters: authorization, resource, action, result, exception, Razor page

Logging, Tracing and Diagnostics: custom middleware, logging, DiagnosticSource, ELM, AppInsights, HealthCheck

Testing: xUnit, integration tests, UI tests with Selenium

Client-Side Development: Bower, Node.js/NPM, Gulp, Grunt, TypeScript, LESS

Improving the Performance and Scalability: asynchronous methods, profiling, bundling and minification, caching, response compression

Real-Time Communication: SignalR

Other Topics: areas, static files, application lifetime events, conventions, embedded resources, hosting extensions, URL rewriting

Deployment: Visual Studio, IIS, Azure, AWS, Nginx, Apache, Docker, Windows Service

Whenever there are important differences, I mention the differences between ASP.NET Core 1.x and 2.x, although I think this will be less important over time.

Overall, it was an exciting task, but not one without obstacles. I must thank the team at Packt Publishing, namely, Siddhi Chavan and Abhishek Sharma for all their patience and support. Also, Alvin Ashcraft, who was the technical reviewer.

Do have a look and share your feedback! It is available from the Packt Publishing site, Amazon and others, either in hardcopy or ebook format. The source code is available at"

Kudos to R. Peres for pointing this out.

quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2017

TOOL: Microsoft Teams Jira Connector (Atlassian Marketplace)

An integration of JIRA with Microsoft Teams (like in Slack) FFR:
Microsoft Teams Jira Connector | Atlassian Marketplace

Features (quoted):
"What is supported in Microsoft Teams Jira Connector?

  1. Near real-time notifications about activities in Jira Server and Jira Cloud.
  2. Granural global and project-specific channel configuration, so different channels can receive different information.
  3. You can filter notifications by project, issue type, issue priority and issue workflow status.
  4. We support Jira Cloud (including Software and Service Desk) and Jira Server (including Data Center).
  5. You can read the setup documentation about Microsoft Teams Jira Server Connector
  6. Microsoft Teams is not open for everybody yet, so the configuration is not 1 click, but 3.
  7. If you have any questions or feature requests please reach out to us.
  8. There is also Microsoft Teams Confluence Connector available for Confluence Server"

Kudos to J. Sobral for pointing this out

TOOL: Mapping between Enterprise Architect 12.1 menus and Enterprise Architect 13 ribbons

EA 12 to EA 13 changed locations of actions (menu)... To help you through the upgrade there is this very good resource:
Mapping between Enterprise Architect 12.1 menus and Enterprise Architect 13 ribbons

TOOL: EA Image Library (Enterprise Architect, UML tool)

The Short Story

Useful at all times, this free image library will speed up the production of professional diagrams (that can be incorporated into presentations and/or technical documents), in the case you are using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA) to model your
information system:

Step 1: Download the free image libray

Step 2: Install the image library in EA

Step 3: use the images

To use the images (e.g. change an UML node to a server image):

· Press Ctrl+Shift+W, or
· Right-click the selected element and select Appearance | Select Alternate Image

The Long Story

Why use this with EA? Example: A UML Deployment Diagram can be changed to use the images in the library, instead of the standard UML images (Nodes, Artifacts). This will benefit validation with the customer, hence, it will benefit you, as a business analyst (right?).

quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017

SW Testing | TOOLS: Continuous testing (in .Net)

"The idea of continuous testing is to make this feedback loop even more tight. The tests should be run automatically whenever the code changes and the developer should not need to run them manually

This can prove useful even if the developer only writes tests, after he has written the code under test. When he needs to refactor or enhance existing code, these tests will take on the role of regression tests, i.e. they will serve as a safety net from breaking original functionality.

However, continuous testing shows its real worth when the tests are written in advance or in parallel with the code under test, as required by Test Driven Development (TDD)."

Tools include:
"(...) three competing solutions available:
  • NCrunch from Remco Software,
  • DotCover by JetBrains, sold as a part of ReSharper Ultimate bundle, and...
  • Smart Runner by Typemock, sold together with Typemock Isolator for .NET.

Microsoft’s first shy attempt in this field was a feature that was added to Test Explorer: Run Tests After Build switch made it possible to automatically run the tests after every build.
While this feature didn’t really allow for real continuous testing, it was nevertheless the first step in that direction. A full solution for continuous testing was introduced in Visual Studio 2017 as a feature named Live Unit Testing.
At about the same time, a similar feature was added to the command line tools for .NET Core. 
You can use the dotnet-watch file watcher (...)"

History: 2017-11-23: Update and reformatted

ASP.Net and tutorials? (

What is ASP.Net (and dotnetcurry)?
"ASP.NET is a modern open source server-side web framework for building static, dynamic and real-time Web sites, Web applications and Mobile applications using HTML, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

So far, we have published 173 ASP.NET tutorials and articles, which have been read by over 22446387 (Twenty Two Million Four Hundred Forty Six Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Seven)developers and architects."

SW Construction: Generics and maintainability (C#)

"When we encapsulate data, we can change the internal representation of the data without affecting the consumers of the unit encapsulating the data.

On the other hand, when we don’t encapsulate data, the behavior units will access data (received as method parameters for example) directly and therefore they have a hard dependency on the internal representation of the data.

Therefore, when doing behavior-only encapsulation, it is harder to change the internal representation of data.

In this article, I am going to discuss how we can use generics in C# to make it easier to handle data-related change requests in software applications when doing behavior-only encapsulation."
"You aren’t gonna need it (The YAGNI principle)

Should we always separate data-independent and data-dependent logic into different classes?

Should we make our data-independent classes generic from the start?

Well, it depends.

But in most of the cases, we don’t have to.

In most of the cases, applications start small, and then they evolve with time. It is important to first concentrate efforts on meeting the requirements we have at hand. We can always refactor later to meet new requirements.

In a document processing application that processes plain text documents only, we can start normally without making the document type generic in the classes that deal with documents.

Later, when we need to introduce different documents types, we can refactor existing classes/interfaces to become generic, and we can also refactor to separate data-independent behavior and data-dependent behavior into different classes.

If we follow the SOLID principles (the Single Responsibility Principle in particular), chances are that separation of data-independent and data-dependent behavior, is already high. Also, refactoring in this case would be a lot easier compared to when our classes are very long."

Mobile Development: Cross platform languages?

"Microsoft’s Xamarin, Apache Cordova, and Ionic are replacing the use of Swift and Xcode as developers seek to maintain fewer code bases".

Naturally. The TIOBE guys say.