quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2017

TOOL: EA Image Library (Enterprise Architect, UML tool)

The Short Story

Useful at all times, this free image library will speed up the production of professional diagrams (that can be incorporated into presentations and/or technical documents), in the case you are using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA) to model your
information system:

Step 1: Download the free image libray

Step 2: Install the image library in EA

Step 3: use the images

To use the images (e.g. change an UML node to a server image):

· Press Ctrl+Shift+W, or
· Right-click the selected element and select Appearance | Select Alternate Image

The Long Story

Why use this with EA? Example: A UML Deployment Diagram can be changed to use the images in the library, instead of the standard UML images (Nodes, Artifacts). This will benefit validation with the customer, hence, it will benefit you, as a business analyst (right?).