- The visual roadmap to ESA Standards - ECSS-E-40 is the ESA engineering standard for space SW development, but as you might notice there are several other "squares", all equally important, corresponding to additional relevant standards for space systems development: http://silvaonsoftware.blogspot.pt/2017/04/what-is-ecss-and-what-are-all-those.html
- About the slang word Git, you might have heard by now. kudos to Mr. Linus for the... insult: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(slang)
- A Corporate site (what a company projects to the outside) example: https://www.criticalsoftware.com/pt/what-we-do
- The focus on quality and certifications on a corporate site (Quality Management - and the summary of what is CMMI-DEV 5, AS9100, etc.): https://www.criticalsoftware.com/pt/how-we-do-it/quality
- Intranet resources (INTERNAL Resources):
- Every intranet shall reflect internal departments contents (the organigrams, the relevant documents - processes - procedures - templates, ...): Example of department sub-sites are RH, Finance, IT, ...
- Engineering areas (sometimes called Delivery areas - executing projects and / or delivering services in IT) must play an important role on those intranets showing: platoons (groups of engineers), technical areas (how we solve technically the customer problems), project descriptions (what concrete projects we have been working in). Example:
- https://spcorp.critical.pt/publishing/work
- https://spcorp.critical.pt/publishing/platoon
- https://spcorp.critical.pt/publishing/technical-area
- https://spcorp.critical.pt/publishing/content-list?cname1=rdproject&cname2=deliveryproject&
- Tools (for SW development and more, e.g. for interfacing formally with other departments) shall be described in the internet, even if so only to provide the concrete URL destinations of those tools (aggregator links):
- https://spcorp.critical.pt/publishing/internal-solution-and-tools