terça-feira, 3 de outubro de 2017

BOOK: The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide

"Key Takeaways:
"The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide" was written for all levels of software developers to answer most of the most common questions software developer have, regarding getting starting, getting a job, learning technical skills, succeeding in the workplace and advancing their careers.
The technical skills a software developer must possess to succeed in today's software development environment are immense, but fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there to learn them.
Not all developers should start their own companies, because the risks and lack of stability is not something everyone is comfortable with, but just about all software developers can benefit greatly from working on side projects.
Today, more than ever in the software development world, teamwork is critically important.
The best way to advance your career as a software developer is to become useful, by creating value in your team and outside of your team and to learn how to build a personal brand and market yourself."
Example of skills that the author States for a web developer:
"I mean if you want to be a web developer, think of all the things you need to know.
First, you need to know some programming language, then you need to know HTML and CSS so that you can make the actual user interface of a web application.
You need to know JavaScript to make the front-end interactive - possibly a JavaScript framework.
You need to understand the web itself and how data flows over the internet: HTTP protocol, statelessness, web servers, clients, browsers.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
You'll want to work on a team with other developers, so you'll need to understand some kind of source control system.
How to check in and check out code, merge, branch, etc.
You'll need to know about build system and continuous integration.
And I sure hope you are testing the code you wrote, so you'll definitely need to know about testing and most likely unit-testing.
Oh, and let's not forget about the software development life-cycle and Agile or Scrum.
And while we are at it, I suppose you should know SQL and how databases work, since you'll most likely need to store some data ..."