terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2017

O&M: LightStep - A new APM tool (from Ex-Google employees)?


"[The goal is to] transform the way that companies manage application performance management (APM). (...)

 The product uses a decentralised architecture that constantly analyses transactions across all services, letting customers measure the performance areas impacting their businesses.

In particular, it focuses on microservices, key mobile transitions, crucial customer accounts and individual end-users. There's also a built-in statistical engine that can detect anomalies and record detailed end-to-end traces.

This trace gives organisations a cross-service contact so they can address performance problems quickly. It claims that "customers take seconds or minutes to resolve incidents that previously required days of investigations".

Transport app Lyft, a rival to Uber, has created a distributed architecture with LightStep. Pete Morelli, vice president of engineering at the firm, said: "LightStep is the future of monitoring and was instrumental in our move to microservices.

"Our systems generate more than 100 billion microservice calls per day. LightStep is one of the only systems that can make sense of that firehose: it jumps to the root cause of performance problems anywhere from mobile all the way to the bottom of our distributed stack.""