sábado, 16 de setembro de 2017

Psicology and SW Development?

Yes, of course. How to build teams that excel? Teams that are teams (i.e. that work as teams):

"(...) five major dimensions of personality. They spell out an acronym: OCEAN.

Openness to Experience vs. Closed to Experience
Conscientiousness vs. Carelessness
Extraversion vs. Introversion
Agreeableness vs. Disagreeableness
Neuroticism vs. Stability

Where one stands on these dimensions is a good predictor of important consequences for our working lives. For example, those who are open and conscientious are more likely to perform better, but they differ in how they excel: open individuals excel because they bring new ideas into the workplace; conscientious individuals because they are reliable and able to get routine tasks done effectively and efficiently. Similarly, extraverted and agreeable individuals also contribute well to the social features of work-life: extraverts are gregarious and seek out stimulation while agreeable individuals are especially adept at nurturing and motivating others. Neurotic individuals are particular sensitive to some of the threatening aspects of their environments; like canaries in a mine they may be aware of legitimate concerns that are missed by their more stable colleagues."